Sunday, May 11, 2008

I am back!!

It was eons ago since I last penned an episode of my charmed life here xoP Strangely, "loyal readers/fans" of Enraptured by His Grace were, very much to my surprise, random people in the cyber world! I received emails with questions asking why I stopped blogging, and also encouragement for me to continue filling in this space. I must say I am glad that what I've written could actually touch people out there. Right on target, I must say. Heh. It is more blessed to give than to receive at the end of the day. Well, no matter who my readers are, I am glad to resume writing what I used to - that is exalting the amazing works of the Creator. And maybe some winching periodically. Well, this IS my space anyways...haha.

It is good to be back :)